Ramses Changelog



  • Integrated Ramses logic

    • If you want to exclude logic, disable it over CMake (ramses-sdk_ENABLE_LOGIC=OFF)

    • The version which was merged is 1.4.2. You can find the changelog/docs of Logic here

    • Moved all types from rlogic namespace to ramses namespace

  • Added support for feature levels. RamsesFramework has to be constructed with a feature level specified (using RamsesFrameworkConfig), see EFeatureLevel for more information.

    • Added RamsesFramework::getFeatureLevel to easily query EFeatureLevel

  • Unified math types usage across API to use GLM aliases: vec2/3/4f, vec2/3/4i, matrix22/33/44f, quat

  • Added support for rotation by quaternion: Node::setRotation(const quat&), Node::getRotationType

  • Added DisplayConfig::setDeviceType() and DisplayConfig::getDeviceType() to select device type for display creation

  • Added DisplayConfig::setWindowType() and DisplayConfig::getWindowType() to select window type for display creation

  • Added ramses-viewer, ramses-viewer-headless (replaces ramses-scene-viewer, ramses-logic-viewer, ramses-logic-viewer-headless)

    • Default GUI mode changed to overlay (--no-offscreen in former ramses-logic-viewer)

    • Added support for multiple logic engines per scene. Legacy lua configuration files need to be changed like this:

      • replace rlogic.screenshot by R.screenshot

      • replace rlogic.views by R.views

      • replace rlogic. by R.logic(). or R.logic[<name>].

    • added font settings

    • renamed some command line options:

      • --no-validation: removed short option (-nv)

      • --no-skub: removed short option (-ns)

      • Renamed -x,--screenshot-file to -x,--screenshot

      • Scene file can be applied as positional argument

  • Added other data types used in API to EDataType enum: EDataType::Int32, EDataType::Vector2/3/4I, EDataType::Matrix22/33/44F

  • Added RenderBufferBinding which can be used in logic to modify RenderBuffer properties before it is allocated on renderer

  • Added RamsesFrameworkConfig::setLoggingInstanceName to set a global instance name used as prefix in all Ramses logs

  • Added periodic statistics logs with more details and EStatisticsLogMode to select the log mode

    • If detailed statistics is selected, the slowest executed nodes are shown

  • Added experimental support for creating renderer with iOS window

  • Added native support for bool uniforms, no need to use int32_t anymore to set them

    • Existing application code using Appearance::setInputValue with int32_t type to set boolean shader uniforms must change to use bool type now!

  • Added support for bool type in data container ramses::DataObject

  • Added RamsesClient::getRamsesFramework() to be able to get reference to RamsesFramework from RamsesClient

    • this can be used for example to get feature level just by having a Scene instance: myScene.getRamsesClient().getRamsesFramework().getFeatureLevel()

  • Added SceneObject::getScene() to get reference to owning Scene from any object created from that Scene

  • Added a non-const version of LogicNode::getOutputs()

  • Added a non-const version of Property::getIncomingLink() and Property::getOutgoingLink()

  • Added a non-const version of Property::getIncomingLink() and Property::getOutgoingLink()

  • Added support for 16bit and 32bit depth render buffers: ERenderBufferFormat::Depth16, ERenderBufferFormat::Depth32

  • Added common cast operators for ramses and logic objects: T* RamsesObject::as<T>() T ramses::object_cast<T>(RamsesObject*)

  • Added ramses-sdk_TEXT_SUPPORT, a CMake option to disable text support.

    • Disabled by default on iOS and MacOS builds.

    • Other platforms remain unaffected by the option.

  • Exposed stream buffer API (previously available only via DCSM)

    • Added RamsesRenderer::createStreamBuffer and RamsesRenderer::destroyStreamBuffer.

    • Added RendererSceneControl::linkStreamBuffer and corresponding callback IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::streamBufferLinked.

  • Added options to RamsesFrameworkConfig API that previously required command line parsing

  • Added [[nodiscard]] flag for const getters.


  • LogicEngine is now part of Scene and can only be created using Scene::createLogicEngine

    • LogicEngine is now a SceneObject of type ERamsesObjectType::LogicEngine and its lifecycle is managed by Scene as for any other SceneObject. LogicEngine is no longer a move-able type.

    • Removed the ramses::Scene argument from all loading functions in LogicEngine: loadFromFile, loadFromFileDescriptor, loadFromBuffer (is now implicit)

  • LogicObject now derives from SceneObject and therefore RamsesObject

    • LogicObject::getId is renamed to LogicObject::getLogicObjectId

    • LogicObject::setName/getName are removed, methods with same name and functionality (but different return type!) are in base class RamsesObject

    • LogicObject::set/getUserId moved to its base RamsesObject so any RamsesObject can use it now

  • RamsesObject.h and RamsesObjectTypes.h moved from client include folder to framework, update include paths accordingly

  • RamsesObject::getName returns std::string_view instead of const char*

  • Reworked API error handling for all public Ramses classes:

    • Removed status_t, StatusOK, StatusObject::getStatusMessage, LogicEngine::getErrors, ErrorData and the whole StatusObject class

    • All API methods that can fail (at API call time) return bool (true for success)

    • Errors are now collected centrally in RamsesFramework

    • RamsesFramework::getLastError can be used to get the last error that occurred (as optional), calling it will clear the error

    • Configs and other not managed objects (RamsesFrameworkConfig, RendererConfig, DisplayConfig,SceneConfig, RenderTargetDescription, EffectDescription, EffectInput) no longer inherit from StatusObject. Their methods also return bool but error messages are only logged (not tracked with getLastError).

    • RenderTargetDescription::addRenderBuffer has optional argument to get human readable description of error if failed

  • Export whole API classes in shared libs, instead of exporting only public functions

  • Headless shared lib always gets built

  • Scene::saveToFile implicitly updates all logic engine instances and flushes the scene before saving, the method is therefore no longer const

  • Scene::findObject now also searches for logic objects in all existing logic engines

  • Updated fmt from 7.0.1 to 10.1.1

  • Updated google-benchmark from 1.5.2 to 1.8.3

  • Updated google-flatbuffers from 1.12.0 to 23.5.9

  • Upgraded the minimum version of the C++ standard in Ramses to 17.

    • All modern compilers support C++ 17 meanwhile.

    • Some of the dependencies of Ramses have also switched to C++17.

    • Some tools and linters work better and detect more issues with a higher version of the standard.

  • Changed default publishing mode of scenes from EScenePublicationMode::LocalAndRemote to EScenePublicationMode::LocalOnly

    • local-only scenes cannot be sent over network, as the name suggests

    • local-only scenes must be periodically flushed in order to get to Ready/Rendered state if using RendererSceneControl

    • local-only scenes will not keep static resources in system memory after they are uploaded to VRAM

    • local-only scenes benefit from slight performance gain when flushing and slightly smaller system memory footprint

  • Changed LogicEngine::link(), LogicEngine::linkWeak() and LogicEngine::unlink() to take non-const Property objects as inputs

  • RamsesUtils changed to a namespace instead of class of static functions

  • Changed include directory structure, and added a migrate script

    • Frameowrk API headers are found under “ramses/framework”

    • Client API headers are found under “ramses/client”

    • Text API headers are found under “ramses/client/text”

    • Logic API headers are found under “ramses/client/logic”

    • Renderer API headers are found under “ramses/renderer”

    • Added a script scripts/migrate_to_28_0_0.py that can migrate all includes in a codebase to new format

  • Forbade to use the default constructors of UniformInput and AttributeInput to create objects but objects can be

    • Created via copy and move constructors, or

    • Obtained via getUniformInput, getAttributeInput, findUniformInput, and findAttributeInput

  • Changed to return optional<UniformInput> or optional<AttributeInput> objects in getUniformInput, getAttributeInput, findUniformInput, and findAttributeInput

    • Removed EffectInput::isValid because UniformInput and AttributeInput objects are always valid now

    • Changed EffectInput::getDataType to return EDataType instead of optional<EDataType>

  • DisplayConfig::validate produces warnings or errors if suboptimal or wrong settings are set, e.g., incompatible window and device types are set

  • Changed LogHandlerFunc to use std::string_view instead of const std::string&

  • ramses-logic logs are output to DLT (context ‘RCLI’)

  • Remove cmake option ramses-sdk_BUILD_IVI_TEST_APPS

    • ivi-gears and ivi-simple-dmabuf-egl are now controlled with option for building tools

  • Remove check for cmake variable ramses-sdk_DISABLE_WAYLAND_IVI_EXTENSION. The extensions are built if the required dependencies are available

  • Moved ramses-client-api/TextureEnums.h to ramses/framework/TextureEnums.h

  • Moved ramses-client-api/ERotationType.h to ramses/framework/ERotationType.h

  • Moved ramses-client-api/EVisibilityMode.h to ramses/framework/EVisibilityMode.h

  • Moved ramses-client-api/EScenePublicationMode.h to ramses/framework/EScenePublicationMode.h

  • Replaced Scene::findObjectByName(..)/Scene::findObjectById(..) by T* Scene::findObject<T>(..)

  • Replaced LogicEngine::findByName(..)/LogicEngine::findLogicObjectById(..) by T* LogicEngine::findObject<T>(..)

  • Added SaveFileConfig parameter to ramses::Scene::saveToFile(), removed compression flag

    • Compression flag is part of SaveFileConfig and is disabled by default

  • Changed interfaces to load/create scenes: Added sceneId and verification flag to ramses::SceneConfig

  • Changed scene validation interface to report a list of messages (see ramses::RamsesObject::validate(ValidationReport&))

  • Replaced const std::vector<WarningData>& LogicEngine::validate() by common Ramses validation (ramses::RamsesObject::validate(ValidationReport&))

  • The scene validation will not return StatusOK if effects have shader warnings, and these warnings will appear in the validation report with a severity of EValidationSeverity::Warning

  • Remove the 4096 upper limit of offscreen buffer size in RamsesRenderer. The buffer size is limited by the OpenGL driver.

  • Draw mode is checked against geometry shader input type (Appearance::setDrawMode) also when effect was loaded from file (previously it was checked only when effect created in same session without loading).

  • Modernized MipLevelData and CubeMipLevelData. Data are no longer stored with raw pointers

    • Updated RamsesUtils::GenerateMipMapsTexture2D and RamsesUtils::GenerateMipMapsTextureCube to return a pointer of vector of the respective mip level data

    • Updated RamsesUtils::DeleteGeneratedMipMaps for deleting the vector pointers

  • Texture2DBuffer::updateData now takes std::bytes

  • Modernized mipLevelData from C-style array to vector for Scene::createTexture2D(), Scene::createTexture3D() and Scene::createTextureCube()

  • Changed clear flags parameters from uint32_t to ramses::ClearFlags (ramses::Flags<ramses::EClearFlag>)

  • Changed key modifier flags parameters from uint32_t to ramses::KeyModifiers (ramses::Flags<ramses::EKeyModifier>)

  • MeshNode instance count can be zero (nothing drawn) to match OpenGL behavior

  • OpenGL drawcalls are always using glDrawElementsInstanced even for instance count 1

  • ETextureAddressMode enum is now explicitly typed to uint8_t

  • ETextureSamplingMethod enum is now explicitly typed to uint8_t

  • ETextureFormat enum is now explicitly typed to uint8_t

  • DisplayConfig::setX11WindowHandle: changed parameter from unsigned long to X11WindowHandle

  • IFontInstance::getAllSupportedCharacters(): changed return type set from unsigned long to char32_t

  • Renamed standalone renderer executable to ramses-renderer-standalone and renamed some command line options:

    • Renamed -nd,–numDisplays to –displays

    • Renamed -sm,–sceneMappings to -m,–scene-mapping

    • Renamed -nomap,–disableAutoMapping to –no-auto-show

    • -skub,–skub: removed short option(-skub)

  • Ramses shared lib with renderer is always called ramses-shared-lib (without platform dependant postfix)

    • Contents are controlled using cmake variables ramses-sdk_ENABLE_WINDOW_TYPE_*

  • Ramses client only shared lib is renamed to ramses-shared-lib-headless

  • Ramses examples, demos, tests and tools are enabled by default only if ramses is a top level project, otherwise they must be explicitly enabled using respective cmake options

  • Renamed ramses::EClearFlags to ramses::EClearFlag

  • Renamed ERamsesObjectType::ArrayBufferObject to ERamsesObjectType::ArrayBuffer to match the class name

  • Renamed the classes for bindings to Ramses objects

    • Renamed RamsesAppearanceBinding to AppearanceBinding

    • Renamed RamsesCameraBinding to CameraBinding

    • Renamed RamsesNodeBinding to NodeBinding

    • Renamed RamsesRenderPassBinding to RenderPassBinding

    • Renamed RamsesRenderGroupBinding to RenderGroupBinding and RamsesRenderGroupBindingElements to RenderGroupBindingElements

    • Renamed RamsesMeshNodeBinding to MeshNodeBinding

  • Renamed GeometryBinding to Geometry

  • Replaced uint32_t with size_t in all the API for parameters describing amount or number of elements (for better match with STL containers):

    • Appearance, Effect, EffectDescription, Node, RamsesUtils, Scene, Texture2DBuffer, UniformInput, ArrayResource, ArrayBuffer, IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::objectsPicked().

  • Changed enums to enum classes.

  • Renamed enum values for ramses::ERendererEventResult: OK -> Ok, FAIL -> Failed, INDIRECT -> Indirect

  • Replaced all enum to string methods by: const char* ramses::toString(T)

  • Stream buffers can be linked even if content from wayland surface is not available (yet).

  • Stream buffers do not get unlinked from texture consumers if content from wayland surface becomes unavailable.

  • Functions that were kept static for API/ABI backcompatibility became proper member methods:

    • DisplayConfig::setAsyncEffectUploadEnabled, DisplayConfig::setDepthStencilBufferType

    • Effect::hasGeometryShader, Effect::getGeometryShaderInputType

    • RamsesRenderer::createOffscreenBuffer and createInterruptibleOffscreenBuffer

    • RamsesRenderer::setDisplayBufferClearFlags

  • Renderer event handler reports creation and destruction of external buffers.

    • Removed workaround with ‘getExternalBufferGlId’ - id can be now obtained through externalBufferCreated().

  • IRendererEventHandler::renderThreadLoopTimings now reports timings per display (with additional displayId argument).

    • IRendererEventHandler::renderThreadLoopTimingsPerDisplay was removed.

  • Renamed RamsesRenderer::set/getMaximumFramerate to set/getFramerateLimit, display ID argument is mandatory now, there is no global framerate limit anymore.

  • RamsesFrameworkConfig/RendererConfig/DisplayConfig: replaced const char* by std::string_view

  • Moved ‘ramses-client-api/EDataType.h’ to ‘ramses-framework-api/EDataType.h’

  • Renamed ERotationConvention to ERotationType

  • Renamed all enums in ERotationType to start with “Euler_” prefix and so that the order is inverted to represent extrinsic rotation rather than instrinsic notation.

    • Any rotation previously defined as ERotationConvention::ABC is now renamed to ERotationType::Euler_CBA

    • Extrinsic rotation convention means a rotation around any order of axes ABC is done in the specified order around the original world axes, which are fixed and do not rotate while applying rotation to the object. This is more conformant with existing tools.

  • Node.h uses vec3f for rotation, translation, scaling

  • Node::setRotation(vec3f,rotationType) has a default value Euler_XYZ for rotation convention

  • Appearance::set/getBlendingColor now uses vec4f as argument.

  • Appearance::set/getInputValue is now templated and uses new data types to pass vector/matrix values (vecXf, vecXi, matrixXXf) instead of int/float arrays.

  • RenderPass::setClearColor, RamsesRenderer::setDisplayBufferClearColor, DisplayConfig::setClearColor: clear color is passed as vec4f

  • ArrayBuffer::updateData and ArrayBuffer::getData must be used with concrete types instead of void ptr

  • ERamsesObjectType_DataBufferObject renamed to ERamsesObjectType_ArrayBufferObject to match the class ArrayBuffer name

  • Removed EEffectInputDataType used in UniformInput and AttributeInput, EDataType is used instead

    • Uniform/AttributeInput::getDataType now returns std::optional for case when the input is not valid (not or wrongly initialized)

  • Scene::createArrayResource must be used with concrete data type instead of void ptr and data type enum

    • Example how to port old code: float twoTriangles[6]={..}; myScene.createArrayResource(EDataType::Vector3F, 2, twoTriangles); to new code: vec3f twoTriangles[2]={..}; myScene.createArrayResource(2, twoTriangles);

    • Make sure to use the right math type to determine the ArrayResource data type (e.g. no floats to represent vecX, which was typical before)

  • DataObject class can now hold any of the data types previously held by the removed DataXXX classes

    • Example how to port old code: DataVector2I* obj = myScene.createDataVector2I(); obj->setValue(1, 2); to new code: DataObject* obj = myScene.createDataObject(EDataType::Vector2I); obj->setValue(vec2i{ 1, 2 });

    • Make sure to use the right math type when setting or getting the value

  • Node::getModelMatrix() / Node::getInverseModelMatrix() use matrix44f as argument

  • Replaced std::array type aliases by glm: matrix44f, vec2f, vec3f, vec4f, vec2i, vec3i, vec4i

  • LogicEngine::getTotalSerializedSize and getSerializedSize can now be set to use a specific ELuaSavingMode for size calculation

  • Unmanaged objects can now be copy or move constructed, and copy or move assigned:

    • RamsesFrameworkConfig, RendererConfig, DisplayConfig, UniformInput, AttributeInput, EffectDescription, RenderTargetDescription ETextureCubeFace, ERenderTargetDepthBufferType, ERenderBufferType, ERenderBufferFormat, ERenderBufferAccessMode

  • The const char* parameters of the public API are replaced by std::string_view.

  • The pointers to data memory (std::uint8_t*, unsigned char*) of the public API are replaced by std::byte*.


  • Fixed possible crash if Texture2DBuffer is recreated with smaller size

  • RamsesMeshNodeBinding now fails update if it receives invalid value (e.g. negative index count)

  • Fixed RamsesNodeBinding visibility property inconsistency if saved with Ramses node 3-state visibility as ‘Off’ but properties ‘enable’=false and ‘visible’=true

  • Fixed potential renderer crash when having more than one displays in non-threaded mode and destroying all but one due to missing context enable

  • Fixed race condition when instantiating multiple RamsesFramework instances in different threads

  • RenderGroup no more reports ‘contains no meshnodes’ validation warning if it has nested RenderGroups with MeshNode(s)


  • Removed automatic validation when saving scene to a file (also removed the parameter from SaveFileConfig)

  • Removed cmake option ramses-sdk_BUILD_HEADLESS_SHARED_LIB for enabling headless shared lib since it always gets built now

  • Removed IRendererResourceCache, DefaultRendererResourceCache and RendererConfig::setRendererResourceCache()

  • Removed resourceCacheFlag_t type and updated relavant classes and implementations

    • Removed ResourceCacheFlag_DoNotCache

    • Removed resourceCacheFlag_t optional argument from all Scene::create*Resource

    • Removed resourceCacheFlagTag

  • Removed default rotation convention from Node::setRotation(vec3f,rotationType)

  • Removed support for 32-bit architectures.

  • Removed LogicEngine::setStatisticsLogLevel: periodic log level is always set to Info

  • Removed obsolete RamsesLogicVersion, use RamsesVersion instead

  • Removed SceneObject::getSceneId(), use SceneObject::getScene().getSceneId() instead

  • Removed DisplayConfig::keepEffectsUploaded() and --delete-effects cli option. Effects are always kept uploaded now.

  • Removed DisplayConfig::setWindowBorderless() and --borderless cli option.

  • Removed ERamsesObjectType::NUMBER_OF_TYPES

  • Removed ETextureFormat::Invalid

  • Removed ramses::AllFeatureLevels array

  • Removed ramses-logic logging API:

    • Logger::SetVerbosityLimit(): Use RamsesFrameworkConfig to set loglevel for context ‘RCLI’ (Info by default)

    • Logger::SetLogHandler(): Use RamsesFramework::SetLogHandler()

    • Logger::SetDefaultLogging(): Use RamsesFrameworkConfig::setLogLevelConsole(ELogLevel::Off) to disable console output

  • Removed cmake option ramses-sdk_BUILD_DAEMON. Now ramses-deamon is controlled by cmake option for tools ramses-sdk_BUILD_TOOLS

  • Removed ERenderBufferType from all API (removed RenderBuffer::getBufferType, changed Scene::createRenderBuffer)

  • Removed ramses::RamsesUtils::TryConvert<T>. Use ramses::object_cast<T> instead.

  • Removed deprecated method overload LogicEngine::createLuaInterface without LuaConfig parameter in favor of providing an empty LuaConfig as the default argument. Now modules declaration will always be verified (also when not explicitly providing LuaConfig).

  • Removed LogicEngine::saveToFile(), LogicEngine::load* and LogicEngine::GetFeatureLevelFrom* methods. Logic is stored in the ramses scene.

  • Removed logic object ID and related API: LogicObject::getLogicObjectId, LogicEngine::findObjectById

    • Use sceneObjectId_t instead as a unique numerical Id for objects

  • Removed logicfile command line parameter from ramses-logic-viewer

  • Removed cmake option ramses-sdk_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL (use RamsesFrameworkConfig to configure log levels)

  • Removed environment variables CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL and RAMSES_LOGLEVEL (use RamsesFrameworkConfig to configure log levels)

  • Removed RamsesFramework::SetConsoleLogLevel (use RamsesFrameworkConfig::setLogLevelConsole)

  • Removed AnimationSystem and all related classes, animations moved from Ramses to Ramses Logic.

  • Removed text generator.

  • Removed visual frame profiler (‘fp’ Ramsh command).

  • Removed SomeIP support.

  • Removed tools for generating and packing effects from shaders (ramses-utils, ramses-resource-tools, ramses-shader-tools).

  • Removed ramses-packet-player.

  • Removed DCSM support and all related API.

  • Removed RamsesHMIUtils (only helper to identify unneeded objects was kept and moved to RamsesUtils).

  • Removed support for Integrity.

    • Ramses 27 is the last official release which supports Integrity.

  • Removed RamsesFramework(argc, argv) constructor, use RamsesFrameworkConfig instead.

  • Removed support for warping:

    • Removed DisplayConfig::enableWarpingPostEffect()

    • Removed IRendererEventHandler::warpingMeshDataUpdated()

    • Removed RamsesRenderer::updateWarpingMeshData()

  • Removed stream texture from client API. Renderer side stream buffers must be used for embedded compositing on wayland.

  • Removed RamsesFrameworkConfig(argc, argv), DisplayConfig(argc, argv), RendererConfig(argc, argv) constructors

  • Removed deprecated embedded compositor settings from RendererConfig (use DisplayConfig instead)

  • Removed RamsesFrameworkConfig::setPeriodicLogsEnabled (use setPeriodicLogInterval(0) instead)

  • Removed legacy ZYX (left handed) rotation convention

    • Remove related APIs: Node::rotate, Node::setRotation(x,y,z) and Node::getRotation(x,y,z)

    • RamsesNode_setRotationNative in JNI Interface uses right-handed Euler_XYZ rotation convention

  • Removed all typed data object classes (DataInt32, DataFloat, DataVector2/3/4/f/i, DataMatrix22/33/44), all their functionality was moved into DataObject class (see Changed section)

  • Removed rlogic::ELogMessageType (replaced by ramses::ELogLevel)

  • Removed deprecated enum ESceneResourceStatus

Older releases


    General changes
    - Unified logging for ivi surfaces and layers (ids are prefixed by "ivi-surface:"/"ivi-layer:")
    - Dcsm periodic logs resolve technical content to scene id or ivi surface

    - Fixed stream surface availability if a wayland client detaches/re-attaches ivi-surfaces in a single frame


    General changes
    - Optimized texture buffer uploads when frequently updating subregions

    - Ramses explicitly requests OpenGL ES 3.2 context instead of ES 3.x.
      If 3.2 is not available it will automatically downgrade to 3.1 or 3.0 and log and error message


    General changes
    - ramses-scene-viewer reports warnings for non-optimal shaders:
      - interface mismatch between shader stages (unused in and out varyings)
      - precision mismatch between shader stages
      - unused varyings
      - unused uniforms
    - Added documentation about ramses::Appearance default values
    - Disable ramses-sdk_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ_LEGACY_SHAPING for Integrity.
      It's now disabled by default for all platforms.


    - Fixed race condition when instantiating multiple RamsesFramework instances in different threads


    General changes
    - improved scene dumps by ramsh / DLT injection
      - Added alias for 'dumpSceneToFile': 'dumpScene'
      - Filename is optional if -sendViaDLT is enabled
      - Added '-flush' option for ramsh command: dumpSceneToFile
    - ramses-scene-viewer:
      - show contents of Texture2DBuffer objects
    - added/improved ramsh commands:
      - fixed parsing large integer values
      - 'p,screenshot' can capture offscreen buffers
      - 'clc' can clear offscreen buffers
      - 'scenestate' modifies the scene state
      - 'obCreate' creates an offscreen buffer
      - 'assign' assigns a scene to a display / offscreenbuffer
      - 'link'/'unlink' connects offscreenbuffer to a texture consumer

    - Fixed HarfBuzz shaping for text blocks with special characters (punctuation,
      diacritics, ligature modifiers, private use). This affects positioning (e.g.
      kerning) and ligature creation for Arabic, Thai, Vietnamese and Japanese,
      as well as characters common to all languages.
      Previous behavior can be enabled using ramses-sdk_ENABLE_HARFBUZZ_LEGACY_SHAPING.
    - Fixed possible crash when shader compilation fails with an empty error message.
    - Fixed renderer crash if StreamBuffer with same ID is created or non-existing StreamBuffer is destroyed
    - Fixed potential renderer crash when having more than one displays in non-threaded mode
      and destroying all but one due to missing context enable
    - Fixed missing streambuffer deletion towards renderer from
      DcsmContentControl in cases when stream became unavailable while contents using
      it were in state Ready or Shown


    - Fixed wrong events given by DcsmContentControlEventHandlerMock::contentLinkedToTextureConsumer
      Previously could report linked events for non-linked contents (also with wrong datalink id) when the
      contents shared technical id (like same wayland surface) internally


    General changes
    - ramses-scene-viewer:
      - fixed validation and "Used by" links for TextureSampler2DMS
      - added "--gui only" command line parameter to only show the inspection gui, not the scene itself
      - show GenerateMipChain flag for texture resources
      - fixed CSV export for textures
    - it is possible to assign the same ID to more than one texture consumer (check moved to validate())
    - updated android demo projects to modern versions of the Android SDK and tools

    API changes
    - Implemented native compositing on Android
        - Added type TextureSamplerExternal on client side
            - For GLSL version 100, use extension "GL_OES_EGL_image_external"
            - For GLSL version 300 and later, use extension "GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3"
            - Both extensions enable a new type of texture sampler in effects: samplerExternalOES
            - For more info, refer to the corresponding OpenGL extensions documentation
        - Added type externalBuffer_t on renderer side, with corresponding functions for creation, destruction and
          events in RamsesRenderer and IRendererEventHandler
        - Added texture linking for external buffers and TextureSamplerExternal
        - Added Appearance::getInputTextureExternal()
        - WARNING! Using this feature makes your scene incompatible to Ramses versions prior this one
            - Make sure remote renderers have this version or newer if you use the feature in a distributed setup
    - Added Appearance::getInputTextureMS()

    - Fixed scene validation errors for TextureSamplerMS objects and related RenderBuffers.
      RenderBuffers are no longer reported as unused when they are actually used by a TextureSamplerMS.
    - Fixed Scene::resetUniformTimeMs() for local-only scenes.
      Time reset was not applied to the shaders, if called before the scene was subscribed.
    - X11: Fixed memory leak if DisplayConfig uses external X11-Window
    - Fixed dlt buffer overflow for file transfer (e.g. scene dumps)


    API changes
    - Added ramses::DisplayConfig::setResourceUploadBatchSize()

    - Fix Wayland Dcsm content not getting ready because DcsmProvider was not
      sending contentDescription for every ready request
    - Fixed SomeIP connection recovery if the initial ParticipantInfo packets
      are dropped on network level.


    General changes
    - set file buffer size to 8kB for Integrity OS
    - ramses-scene-viewer:
      - added filter for node visibility
      - filter resources by hash name
      - fixed resource hash name formatting (use same format as in the logs)
      - added option to sort by uncompressed size
      - export shader sources to file or clipboard
    - Added ramses::DisplayConfig::setScenePriority()


    - Fixed unexpected rendered scene after disconnect
    - ramses-scene-viewer: update resource view if node visibility changed

    General changes
    - ramses-scene-viewer: show effective node visibility (limited by parent)
    - Periodic log statistics updated
      - new information: maximum scene update transfer within 1 second
      - DLT log context: RPER
      - format: suX (N1[/N2[/N3[/N4[/N5[/...]]]]]) or suX(n.a) in case of errors
      - N1...N5 numbers represent maximum transfered scene update in bytes during one second within the measured period


    API changes
    - Added ramses::RamsesFramework::GetSynchronizedClockMilliseconds()
    - Added ramses::DisplayConfig::setSwapInterval()

    - Fix content never becomes ready if was once ready/rendered before and later re-requested but referenced
      stream is already available at that time


    General changes
    - API usage errors are no longer reported in validation report, these do not represent validity of objects
    and should always be checked directly after calling any Ramses API instead


    General changes
    - Updated internal scripts


    API changes
    - Added configuration flag for Scene::createRealTimeAnimationSystem() to use synchronized_clock (ptp time).
      This allows client and renderer to run on different ECUs.
    - Added effect semantic uniform 'TimeMs' that holds the current value of the synchronized_clock in milliseconds
    - Added ramses::Scene::resetUniformTimeMs() to reset the semantic uniform to 0

    - Fix IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentLinkedToTextureConsumer in case of multiple contents
      mapping to the same internal object


    API changes
    - Added a new method RamsesClient::loadSceneFromFileDescriptor(sceneId_t, ...), that overrides
      the sceneId stored in the file.
    - Added configuratorPriority field to DCSM metadata
      (configures widget configurator behaviour when it opens over an existing DCSM content)

    General changes
    - Removed obsolete log messages for nodes which have nontrivial scaling and rotation set
        - The scaling and rotation order has been fixed, logs no longer necessary
    - Added RamsesRenderer::setExternallyOwnedWindowSize to notify RAMSES of window resize
      for windows not owned by renderer
    - Added --skub command line argument to ramses standalone renderer


    General changes
    - Improved error logs if EGL intialization fails
    - Terminate ramses tools (ramses-scene-viewer, ramses-renderer)
      if display creation fails

    - Use extra thread for dlt file transfer to avoid watchdog timeouts
    - Fixed mousewheel direction on wayland platform
    - Fix memory leak in ramses tools with imgui (e.g. ramses-scene-viewer)
    - Fixed unexpected DCSM timeout, if DcsmContentControl::requestContentReady(..., timeout)
      is called and the content is already in DCSM::Ready state.


    - Fix wrong default value behavior in CategoryInfoUpdate constructor


    - Works around a crash on AMD drivers on Windows by calling extra glFlush after shader uploads

    API changes
    - Added a new method RamsesFramework::SetLogHandler, read the class docs for more details


    - Emit correct event from renderer to DcsmContentControl concerning streamBufferEnabled state


    - Avoid memory leak on Android due to mismatched egl initialize and terminate calls


    General changes
    - Permit Scene::publish() if framework is not connected yet (RamsesFramework::connect())


    General changes
    - Add backward compatible improved SomeIP connection handling

    - Make display creation performance on startup more consistent
    - Fixed ungraceful Ramses shutdown if X11 window is closed
      (e.g. terminal echo was missing).


    General changes
    - Optimized ramses-scene-viewer for texture analysis (CSV export, png
      export, performance/usability improvements).

    Performance improvements
    - Clear display buffers (FB or OB) right before rendering to avoid unnecessary
      reactivation of render targets
    - Hint OpenGL/driver to discard depth/stencil components if not needed anymore in render pipeline


    API changes
    - Added function RamsesFrameWork::executeRamshCommand to programmatically execute ramsh commands


    API changes
    - Introduce DMA offscreen buffers to RamsesRenderer and DisplayConfig

    - Fixed coordinates for the mouse wheel event (Windows only)
    - Revert "Fix SomeIP duplicate messages after multiple reconnects" because it caused reconnects
      leading to very high cpu usage
    - Only show display stuck message when really stuck, decrease print frequency to make it
      smaller than watchdog


    General changes
    - Scaling is applied before rotation in all transformation matrices
        - 'M = T * R * S' replaces the old formula 'M = T * S * R'
        - This behavior is consistent with standard matrix math of right-handed coordinate systems
        - To restore the old behavior, create two nodes A and B where 'A = T * S' and 'B = R' and set B as a child of A
      for focus request.
    - Bidi markers are no longer logged as errors for freetype-only font instances

    API changes
    - Added helper function TextCache::ApplyTrackingToGlyphs that makes it possible to increase or reduce space
      uniformly between glyphs.
    - Added option to inform DCSM Provider about active Layout via CategoryInfoUpdate.
      This will replace ActiveLayoutMessage in the future.
    - Add optional IRendererEventHandler::renderThreadLoopTimingsPerDisplay

    - Fixed scene expiration logs if no scenes are monitored
    - Fix SomeIP duplicate messages after multiple reconnects


    API changes
    - Added static helper function TextCache::ContainsRenderableGlyphs that checks if a GlyphMetricsVector
      contains at least one renderable glyph and thus can be used as input for TextCache::createTextLine.

    - Fix open permissions for ptp device


    API changes
    - Added carModelViewExtended field to DCSM metadata (extended features to transform
      the remote car model).
    - Added new DCSM content status message: WidgetFocusStatusMessage
      for sending the widget's focus state from consumer to content provider


    General changes
    - Add cmake variable ramses-sdk_FOLDER_PREFIX to configure VS folder path prefix
    - Add flip content vertically metadata to dcsm provider tool

    API changes
    - API for configuring EC is ADDED to DisplayConfig.
        - Corresponding API in RendererConfig is marked as deprecated WITHOUT change in syntax or behavior.
        - The newly added API (configuring EC on DisplayConfig) was introduced in 27.0.106 and reverted
          in 27.0.107 since the change broke functionality of RendererConfig. In this release the (re-)added
          API in DisplayConfig does not have a direct effect on supported use cases for configuring EC on RendererConfig.
    - Added new DCSM content status message: ActiveLayoutMessage
      for sending the current layout from consumer to content provider


    General changes
    - Revert breaking EC configuration on RendererConfig and remove EC configuration from


    General changes
    - Display creation DOES fail if EC creation fails
        - A change was introduced as a temporary measure in 27.0.105 that lets display
          creation not fail if EC creation fails. This change is reverted and a proper
          fix is introduced. See API changes of RendererConfig and DisplayConfig.

    API changes
    - API for configuring EC is moved from RendererConfig to DisplayConfig
        - Allows configuring EC per display
        - API in RendererConfig is not removed. It is marked as deprecated and always fails
    - Add layoutAvailability field to DCSM metadata

    - Failing to create EGL image from DMA buffer does not lead to a segfault
      is sent to wayland client.
    - Fix segfault caused by activating VAO that was not uploaded due to wrong handling of dirtiness
      in resource cached scene.


    General changes
    - Display creation does not fail if EC creation fails
        - This is a temporary measure to enable having multi displays with EC
          on 1st display
        - If several displays are created while EC is enabled on renderer config, only the 1st display
          can have EC succesfully created. Other displays will attempt and fail EC creation since they
          re-use the same config as the 1st display and the socket is already in use by EC in the 1st display.
    - added DCSM content status message sending from consumer to provider of a content
        - added sendContentStatus to DcsmConsumer and DcsmContentControl to allow sending
        - added new IDcsmStatusMessageHandler and another dispatchEvents to DcsmProvider to allow handling of arriving DcsmStatusMessages
        - added DcsmStatusMessage base class and StreamStatusMessage as its first implementation


    General changes
    - All geometry attributes are now using OpenGL vertex array objects
      - internal optimization, no action on application side needed
    - Disable pkg-config usage on windows to prevent configuration issues

    API changes
    - Add FontRegistry::createFreetype2FontFromFileDescriptor to load font from open

    - Do not destroy user provided window on X11


    - Make renderer destroy and recreate work when local scenes stay published
    - Camera::setViewport reports error when passing size numbers which exceed maximum (32768)
    - Renderer does not crash in Debug mode when viewport size exceeds allowed maximum

    Known issues
    - There will be no IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::sceneStateChanged callback
      with state Available for any published scenes until a display is created and running.
    - If a display is destroyed and created again and it was the only display on renderer
      there will be IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::sceneStateChanged callbacks for
      all previously published scenes again.


    General changes
    - DcsmContentControl now supports new content type WaylandSurface

    API changes
    - Add RamsesClient::loadSceneFromMemory and RamsesClient::loadSceneFromFileDescriptor.


    General changes
    - bool uniforms are parsed and available in effect source code

    API changes
    - Add DisplayConfig::get/setX11WindowHandle
        - supports custom X11 window which ramses will use to render into
    - Add contentFlippedVertically field to DCSM metadata

    - Fix Node::getRotation with convention failing if translate or scale are called before setting rotation


    General changes
    - Attach ramses version as cmake property RAMSES_VERSION to shared libraries

    API changes
    - Add RamsesFrameWork::addRamshCommand

    - Fix Node::setRotation with convention forgetting convention when identity values were set for angles


    - avoid referenced scene stuck in subscription requested state due to race with its master destruction


    General changes
    - Resources are decompressed before uploading to GPU in a way that the decompress time is considered for upload
      interruption to prevent stalls if too many resources need to be decompressed at once


    - fix loading resources and removing resource file from ResourceDataPool, when multiple files have the same file name


    General changes
    - IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentExpirationMonitoringEnabled and IRendererSceneControlEventHandlerLLsceneExpirationMonitoringDisabled
      will be emitted also when content/scene drops to state available from ready (or canceled transition to ready).
    - Force applying flushes, force mapping scene or force unsubscribing scene if too many pending flushes rules changed:
      - only non-empty flushes are counted for threshold
      - threshold increased to 120 pending flushes to force apply and force map, 5*120 pending flushes to force unsubscribe
    - Added tracing and logging for potentially hanging renderer threads
    - API check to forbid creating a scene reference of self


    - Fix dcsm content state handling when disconnecting/reconnecting or locally removing/readding dcsm consumers


    API changes
    - Added displayed data flags to Dcsm metadata, to be used with displaycluster::DisplayedDataFlags
      - DcsmMetadataCreator::setDisplayedDataFlags, DcsmMetadataUpdate::hasDisplayedDataFlags, DcsmMetadataUpdate::getDisplayedDataFlags

    - Fix possible mem access violation if display destroyed while shaders are being compiled


    API changes
    - Add static DisplayConfig::setAsyncEffectUploadEnabled to allow enabling/disabling async effect upload.

    - Renderer no longer wrongly reports an already available (and possibly ready/rendered) scene as Available
      when a new display is created.


    API changes
    - Added static DisplayConfig::setDepthStencilBufferType to allow configuring depth and stencil
      buffers of framebuffer
    - MSAA number of samples less strict and adapting to device capabilities when possible.
        - DisplayConfig::setMultiSampling allows 1, 2, 4 and 8 samples.
        - Scene::createRenderBuffer, RamsesRenderer::createOffscreenBuffer allows arbitrary number of samples,
          see API docs for details.

    - Shaders given to EffectDescription::setXXShaderFromFile are read in binary file mode
      Before this could cause effect ids to depend on operating system
    - Fixed issue with scene reference actions (data un/link of scene references) getting lost sometimes
      due to wrong queing up when coming from multiple flushes per frame update.


    General changes
    - Enable creation of renderer with shared context for async effect upload on Android emulator
        - Create dummy PBuffer surface and bind it to the shared context
        - The change affects only Android platform
    - Texture sampler objects are used to reduce calls needed for setting texture sampling state
    - Update/render logic is now isolated for each display and runs in thread (if threaded rendering enabled)
        - Consequence of this is that when reading logs, some messages are seemingly redundant or out of order,
          in fact they are just happening in different display contexts (potentially in parallel).
          In order to make the logs clearer each log message from a display is prefixed with its display ID.
    - Temporary limitation: IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::sceneStateChanged callbacks with available/unavailable
      state change (published/unpublished) will NOT be emitted if there is no display created.

    API changes
    - Added static RamsesRenderer::setMaximumFramerate which also takes display argument for setting fps per displaythread
    - Two new static methods for Effect, hasGeometryShader() and getGeometryShaderInputType()
    - Added static RamsesRenderer::setDisplayBufferClearFlags to enable/disable clearing of display buffer components in runtime.
    - Added static variants of functions createOffscreenBuffer and createInterruptibleOffscreenBuffer that enable configuring depth and stencil buffers

    - Appearance's draw mode is set to expected geometry shader draw mode when created from such Effect
    - Appearances created from effect with geometry shader report error when trying to set a mismatching draw mode
        - used to crash the renderer, now checked by client API
        - does not work for effects loaded from file (breaking change, will be fixed on ramses 28+)
    - Fixed scene reference events being sent to old master if old master destroyed and scene reference changed ownership to new master


    General changes
    - Method DcsmContentControl::linkContentToTextureConsumer now implemented for ramses type contents
    - DcsmContentControl will emit the appropriate content state event as soon as content is released, hidden or
      accepted to stop offer by the user and not wait for a potential content hide animation to finish
    - Added ramses example: ramses-example-local-dcsm to show local dcsm usage

    - DcsmContentControl will now properly handle rapid content reoffering/ready rerequesting


    General changes
    - Dcsm safe area rect is now relative to bottom left corner of render size. Adapt documentation to the way its been implemented

    - Fixed renderer crash with unsubscribing scene while compiling its shaders
    - ResourceDataPool: adding the same resource pool data multiple times now requires the same amount of removing resource pool data to delete it


    General changes
    - Shaders are uploaded asynchronously. A thread and shared context are created per display, where the shared context
      stays active in that thread to upload shaders when needed.

    - Node::getRotation with convention sets convention out argument to ERotationConvention::XYZ when setRotation was not called before


    API changes
    - Added static RamsesFramework::SetConsoleLogLevel that takes new RamsesFrameworkType ELogLevel and applies it immediately.


    General changes
    - IMPORTANT: Scene::flush will now fail, if resources are missing and scene is therefore invalid.
        - Flush acts as aborted and scene state isn't altered by the failed flush
        - Readding resources will make subsequent flushes work again
        - Make sure your code handles a flush fail!
    - Implement Node:setRotation(float, float, float, ERotationConvention) and Node::getRotation(float&, float&, float&, ERotationConvention&)
    - Mark Node::setRotation(float, float, float), Node::rotate(float, float, float) and Node::getRotation(float&, float&, float&) as deprecated

    - Fixed crash on creation of multiple instances of dcsm provider tool


    API changes
    - Removed deprecated ResourceDataPool functions
    - Added SceneObject::getSceneId() to retrieve scene id object belongs to
    - Add support for interleaved vertex attributes for dynamic and static resources
        - Added EDataType::ByteBlob
        - Added GeometryBinding::setInput(const AttributeInput&, const ArrayBuffer&, uint8_t, uint8_t) and GeometryBinding::setInput(const AttributeInput&, const ArrayResource&, uint8_t, uint8_t)
    - Removed LayoutUtils::FindFittingSubstring
    - Add non-const version of RenderPass::getCamera()
    - Removed CarCameraPlaneMetadata, DcsmMetadataUpdate::hasCarCameraPlanes, DcsmMetadataUpdate::getCarCameraPlanes
      and DcsmMetadataCreator::setCarCameraPlanes, the nearPlane and farPlane parameters were moved into CarModelViewMetadata
    - DCSMContentControl::addContentCategory and DCSMContentControl::removeContentCategory are no longer static, but can instead be called on the object itself
    - API concerning the adding of content categories to DcsmContentControl has been simplified
        - DCSMContentControlConfig is removed. DCSMContentControl::addContentCategory is now the only way to add content category.
        - Renaming all affected functions from CategorySize and SafeAreaSize to CategoryRect and SafeRect on CategoryInfoUpdate (e.g. setCategoryRect).
        - Constructor of CategoryInfoUpdate takes now all 3 category infos (RenderSize, CategoryRect, SafeRect) while SafeRect is non-mandatory argument and set to 0 by default.
        - DCSMContentControl::addContentCategory now takes a Category, a displayId_t and a CategoryInfoUpdate as arguments. At least RenderSize and CategoryRect have to be set
          on the CategoryInfoUpdate (width and height cannot be 0) or else the function will fail and return error status. Also if a category that was already added before is given
          as argument the call fails and returns error status. For changing the category info of an existing category DCSMContentControl::setCategoryInfo is used.
    - Enabled support for MSAA for offscreen buffers:
        - Addition of optional parameter to RamsesRenderer::createOffscreenBuffer to set sample count used for MSAA.
        - New EDataType TextureSampler2DMS for reading from multisampled Texture in shader
        - Added support for Read/Write RenderBuffers.
        - RamsesScene::createTextureSampler fails with multisampled RenderBuffer.
        - New RamsesObject TextureSamplerMS for sampling multisampled Texture. Takes a Read/Write Renderbuffer and name as arguments for creation.
        - Only API is implemented for reading from TextureSamplerMS yet. Attempt will always fail.
    - Change of RendererSceneState::Unavailable and RendererSceneState::Available semantics
        - Unavailable: Scene not available, no scene control possible.
        - Available: Scene available, but user not interested, scene not guaranteed to be locally in memory.
        - SceneReference and Renderer side data links now need scenes to be in Ready state.
        - Removed scenePublished callback from IRendererSceneControlEventHandler, use sceneStateChanged instead
    - Add possibility to set and get Euler angle rotation using a right-handed coordinate system
        - Added Node::setRotation(float x, float y, float z, ERotationConvention rotationConvention) and Node::getRotation(float& x, float& y, float& z, ERotationConvention& rotationConvention)
        - The functionality is not implemented yet so those API calls will always fail
    - Removed RemoteCamera and the concept of using a camera defined by renderer/consumer side
        - every camera in scene must be fully specified as ortho or perspective with frustum and viewport
        - LocalCamera base class was merged into Camera base class
        - to port RemoteCamera in legacy code use PerspectiveCamera with FOV=19, nearPlane=0.1, farPlane=1500
          and viewport+aspectRatio matching desired renderer display resolution
        - removed all DisplayConfig methods setting and getting projection or transformation of a remote camera on renderer,
          all corresponding command line arguments were removed as well
    - Cleaned up obsolete effect input semantics
        - EEffectUniformSemantic and EEffectAttributeSemantic are enum class
        - EEffectUniformSemantic_RendererViewMatrix and EEffectUniformSemantic_CameraViewMatrix merged into EEffectUniformSemantic::ViewMatrix
          (consequence of removal of RemoteCamera)
        - EEffectUniformSemantic_RendererScreenResolution renamed to more fitting EEffectUniformSemantic::DisplayBufferResolution
    - Removed setMaximumTotalBytesAllowedForAsyncResourceLoading from RamsesFrameworkConfig as resources are no longer loaded indirectly
    - DCSMContentControl now usable for wayland ivi surfaces (API only at the moment)
        - added DcsmContentControl::linkContentToTextureConsumer to link wayland content as a texture (similar to offscreen buffers)
        - new event IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentLinkedToTextureConsumer to inform about status of linking
        - IDcsmConsumerEventHandler: ETechnicalContentType argument moved from contentDescription to offerContent

    - PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera are no longer invalid when loaded from file if saved as valid


    General changes
    - ramses-stream-viewer does not connect to network anymore

    Bug fixes
    - fix resource lifecycle issues after renaming or multiple creation of same resource
    - fix potential SomeIP connection logic reconnect loop


    - Fix possible crash in AnimationSystem


    General changes
    - Flip ramses-stream-viewer stream rendering vertically. Add --flip-y argument to restore old behavior.

    - Fix someip keepalive handling after disconnect and following connect
    - Check and enforce DcsmMetadataCreator::setPreviewImagePng size limitations to ensure it can be transferred

    API changes
    - Add ramses::GetRamsesVersion to query version information


    - Embedded compositor resets Red/Blue swizzle state on switch between different buffer types
    - Restore thread names on integrity

    API changes
    - Add RendererConfig::setWaylandEmbeddedCompositingSocketPermissions to set embedded compositor socket permissions on creation


    Build system
    - Add option to disable building of tools (ramses-sdk_BUILD_TOOLS). Set to OFF to reduce build time if tools not needed


    API changes
    - EEffectInputDataType now differentiates between EEffectInputDataType_TextureSampler2D, EEffectInputDataType_TextureSampler3D and EEffectInputDataType_TextureSamplerCube
      instead of EEffectInputDataType_TextureSampler
    - Removed deprecated RendererSceneControl API (RendererSceneControl_legacy).
    - Added RamsesUtils::SaveImageBufferToPng with additional flag "flipImageBufferVertically".
    - SceneObjects now have a unique (within one Scene) and persistent sceneObjectId_t.
    - Added Scene::findObjectById which can be used to find SceneObjects within one Scene.
    - Added support for missing blending factors supported in OpenGL ES 3.0:
        - Added following value to enum EBlendFactor: EBlendFactor_SrcColor, EBlendFactor_OneMinusSrcColor, EBlendFactor_DstColor, EBlendFactor_OneMinusDstColor,
          EBlendFactor_ConstColor, EBlendFactor_OneMinusConstColor, EBlendFactor_ConstAlpha, EBlendFactor_OneMinusConstAlpha, EBlendFactor_AlphaSaturate
    - Add Appearance::setBlendingColor to support setting blending color constant
    - Added new event callbacks informing about expiration monitoring enable/disable, see docs for details
        - IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::sceneExpirationMonitoringEnabled, IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::sceneExpirationMonitoringDisabled
        - IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentExpirationMonitoringEnabled, IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentExpirationMonitoringDisabled
    - Extended DCSM to offer Wayland IVI Surface ids as new content type next to Ramses scenes
    - All usages of Wayland IVI Surface ids on the API (incl. StreamTexture and DisplayConfig) use now the same type "waylandIviSurfaceId_t"
    - Use strongly typed value for Wayland IVI Layer Id
    - Add support for Geometry shaders
        - Added EffectDescription::setGeometryShader and EffectDescription::setGeometryShaderFromFile to specify geometry shader
    - New resource API
        - RamsesClient based resources become SceneObjects, resource creation, destruction and ownership move to Scene
        - New ArrayResource class, replaces UIntxxArray, FloatArray and VectorxFArray classes
        - New ArrayBuffer class, replaces IndexBufferObject and VertexBufferObject
        - Scene::createArrayBuffer has data type as first argument and size is given in number of elements instead of bytes!
        - ArrayBuffer::updateData replaces old Vertex/IndexBufferData::setData, takes offset and size as element index instead of bytes!
        - ArrayBuffer: getData and both buffer size getters all based on numbers of elements instead of number of bytes!
        - Scene::createTexture2D/3D/Cube have texture format as first argument, this is to make resource creation APIs consistent
        - Scene::createTexture2DBuffer has texture format as first argument and mipCount last, this is to make resource creation APIs consistent
        - Texture2DBuffer::updateData replaces old Texture2DBuffer::setData, reordered arguments make resource APIs consistent
        - ETextureFormat and EDataType are enum classes, no implicit conversion to/from integer possible
        - Scene file saving moved to Scene and now saves only one scene file, which also includes resources
        - Removed all loadResources/saveResources functions from RamsesClient and removed ResourceFileDescription classes
        - Added ResourceDataPool to be compatible to legacy ramses behavior: scene independent resource and resource file usage (deprecated)
        - In RamsesClient replaced findObjectByName by findSceneByName, add getScene function
    - Data objects can be bound to camera frustum planes, this allows 1 to N data distribution and also data linking of camera frustum planes
      (indirectly also field of view and aspect ratio), see docs for details:
        - LocalCamera::bindFrustumPlanes, LocalCamera::unbindFrustumPlanes, LocalCamera::isFrustumPlanesBound and RamsesUtils::SetPerspectiveCameraFrustumToDataObjects


    - Fix possible crash when using EVisibilityMode::Off
    - Fix oss build with vanilla abseil on MSVC

    - Published doxygen API docs at https://bmwcarit.github.io/ramses (currently showing
        only the RAMSES version released latest)


    - Embedded compositor supports older versions (version 1 and version 2) of wl_output protocol


    General changes
    - Embedded Compositor supports wl_output interface
        - Always reports Zero for physical width, physical height and refresh
        - Always reports One for scale factor
    - SceneReference's master scene can be changed by destroying the SceneReference in its original master scene
      and creating a new SceneReference referencing same scene ID in another master scene

    API changes
    - Add DCSM metadata streamID


    API changes
    - SceneReference::requestNotificationsForSceneVersionTags will trigger sending of last valid version tag applied
      on the referenced scene


    General changes
    - Embedded Compositor supports Linux DMA buffers interface

    - Fix failure to connect to wayland display upon conflict between display config and related environment variables

    API changes
    - Added DcsmContentControl::addContentCategory and removeContentCategory for being able to add categories during
      runtime. Added as static method for binary compatibility. Will be switched to normalized
      API on next major version
    - Added RamsesUtils::SaveImageBufferToPng


    API changes
    - Remove AnimatedSetter
    - Rework API class constructors: Make explicit and/or remove misleading default arguments
    - RamsesRenderer::createDcsmContentControl will fail if given DcsmContentControlConfig has no DCSM category
    - Removed DcsmContentControl::setDisplayBufferClearColor, RendererSceneControl::setDisplayBufferClearColor
      and added RamsesRenderer::setDisplayBufferClearColor instead
        - behavior and arguments unchanged
    - Added DcsmContentControl::unlinkData to break data link between consumer and provider
    - Removed RamsesRenderer::handlePickEvent and IRendererEventHandler::objectsPicked and addded
      RendererSceneControl::handlePickEvent and IRendererSceneControlEventHandler::objectsPicked instead
        - behavior and arguments unchanged
    - Added DcsmContentControl::handlePickEvent and IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::objectsPicked
    - Added event callbacks for data provider/consumer creation/destruction
      to both IRendererSceneControlEventHandler and IDcsmContentControlEventHandler
        - dataProviderCreated, dataProviderDestroyed, dataConsumerCreated, dataConsumerDestroyed
    - Dcsm metadata for 3d vehicle now also takes camera FOV, see struct CarModelViewMetadata
    - Animation timing must be set together with Dcsm metadata for 3d vehicle via DcsmMetadataCreator::setCarModelView
        - animation timing can be retrieved using DcsmMetadataUpdate::getCarModelViewAnimationInfo()
    - Make RamsesFrameWork::createClient/destroyClient/createRenderer/destroyRenderer fail when connected
    - DcsmProvider callbacks give CategoryInfo instead of SizeInfo. This object can be queried for multiple sets of values
    - Removed DcsmProvider::requestContentFocus and callbacks in IDcsmConsumerEventHandler and IDcsmContentControlEventHandler in favour of enableContentFocusRequest
    - Removed FocusRequest from DcsmMetadata in DcsmMetadataCreator and DcsmMetadataUpdate
    - Added parameter "displayBuffer" to RamsesRenderer::readPixels to allow reading from offscreen buffers
        -  Added parameter "displayBuffer" to IRendererEventHandler::framebufferPixelsRead that corresponds to
        the buffer for which read pixels event was generted
    - Added RenderSize and SafeArea to CategoryInfo

    General changes
    - Change display default XY position to (0,0) instead of (150,150)
        - Leads to change of placement of created display window on Windows and X11 platforms if default values are used
    - LZ4 compress compressed texture formats like ASTC for file or network

    - Set ivi surface destination rectangle on display creation on Wayland IVI platform


    General changes
    - Added DcsmContentControlEventHandlerEmpty for convenience when only subset of handlers need implementation
    - Remove usage of capu library
    - Unbreak windows OSS abseil build due to incompatible flags
    - Update glslang 8.13.3743

    - Make File tests more stable when shuffled
    - Properly handle shift key in windows console input

    API changes
    - New FocusRequest handling:
      - Added DCSMProvider::enableFocusRequest and disableFocusRequest
      - Added IDcsmConsumerEventHandler and IDcsmContentControlEventHandler callbacks
          contentEnableFocusRequest and contentDisableFocusRequest if compiled with ENABLE_NEW_FOCUSREQUEST_API defined
      This allows backwards compatible integration on ramses 24.x versions. For future major version this will be integrated
      as usual.


    General changes
    - Switch freetype to open files itself instead of from memory
    - added imgui open source library
    - Added Abseil open source library

     API changes
    - Added IFontInstance::getAllSupportedCharacters that returns a set with all supported UTF32 char codes
    - RendererConfig changes
        - Rename setWaylandSocketEmbedded -> setWaylandEmbeddedCompositingSocketName
        - Rename setWaylandSocketEmbeddedGroup -> setWaylandEmbeddedCompositingSocketGroup
        - Rename setWaylandSocketEmbeddedFD -> setWaylandEmbeddedCompositingSocketFD
        - Add getWaylandEmbeddedCompositingSocketName
    - Remove partial applying of scene flush
        - Remove parameter limitForSceneActionsApply from RamsesRenderer::setFrameTimerLimits
    - IDcsmConsumerEventHandler: moved TechnicalDescription from contentReady to new contentDescription callback, which is issued before contentReady
    - DcsmRenderer changes
        - Renamed all *DcsmRenderer* symbols and files to *DcsmContentControl*
            - It does not wrap or replace RamsesRenderer as the old name suggests, instead it is alternative to RendererSceneControl
        - Added mandatory argument to DcsmContentControl::setDisplayBufferClearColor to specify display ID in addition to display buffer ID
        - Removed custom renderer event handling from DcsmContentControl::update
            - DcsmContentControl is now acting as alternative to RendererSceneControl, it does not replace or wrap RamsesRenderer, it lives alongside with it
            - How to port your code if you were using custom renderer event handler in DcsmContentControl::update
                - dispatch the renderer events via RamsesRenderer::dispatchEvents instead, no need to change anything in the handler implementation
            - Side effect of this change that could cause problems: if you in your code do not properly flush renderer commands using RamsesRenderer::flush(),
            these commands will not be executed, this was not an issue previously due to internal DcsmContentControl logic (arguably wrongly)
            flushing the RamsesRenderer implicitly
        - Added missing event callbacks to IDcsmContentControlEventHandler: contentFlushed, contentExpired, contentRecoveredFromExpiration
            - These were previously available only in IRendererSceneControlEventHandler (scene events)
            and their DcsmContentControl version (content events) were missing
        - Removed redundant event callbacks IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentHidden and IDcsmContentControlEventHandler::contentReleased
            - contentHidden is equivalent to contentReady, in sense that content state dropped to state ready
            - contentReleased is equivalent to contentAvailable, in sense that content state dropped to state available
    - Add RamsesFrameworkConfig::disableDLTApplicationRegistrationg
    - Add Scene::getRamsesClient to retrieve parent client of a scene
    - Added new API to control scene states on renderer RendererSceneControl to replace deprecated RendererSceneControl_legacy API
        - the main difference is simplified scene state management and automatic transition to target state
        - typical use case when simply getting scene rendered:
            - api.setSceneMapping(scene, display);              // regardless of whether scene already published or not
            - api.setSceneState(RendererSceneState::Rendered);  // regardless of whether scene already published or not
            - api.flush();
            - ... sceneStateChanged(scene, RendererSceneState::Rendered) will be emitted when rendered state reached
        - how to port old code:
            - generally any state transition previously needing strict step by step approach can now be done in a single command
                - subscribe + waitForSubscription, map + waitForMapped, show + waitForShown  ->  setState(rendered) + waitForRendered
            - step by step transitions can still be achieved with new API if needed (e.g. for controlling timing of scene appearance)
    - Split legacy scene control API from RamsesRenderer (this API is now deprecated, use RendererSceneControl instead)
        - the methods below were moved from RamsesRenderer to a new class RendererSceneControl_legacy:
            - subscribeScene, unsubscribeScene, mapScene, unmapScene, showScene, hideScene, assignSceneToDisplayBuffer,
              setDisplayBufferClearColor, linkData, linkOffscreenBufferToSceneData, unlinkData
        - RendererSceneControl_legacy can be obtained via RamsesRenderer::getSceneControlAPI_legacy, there is just one instance per RamsesRenderer
        - RendererSceneControl_legacy has its own flush and dispatchEvents, RamsesRenderer::flush/dispatchEvents has no effect for the new API
        - how to port old code:
            - renderer->mapScene -> renderer->getSceneControlAPI_legacy()->mapScene (same for any method from above)
            - any call on RendererSceneControl_legacy must be additionally submitted by calling RendererSceneControl_legacy::flush
            - events have to be dispatched additionally via RendererSceneControl_legacy::dispatchEvents using IRendererSceneControlEventHandler_legacy
            - split your implementation of IRendererEventHandler accordingly
              or let your implementation derive from both IRendererEventHandler and the new IRendererSceneControlEventHandler_legacy
    - DcsmRenderer can only be instantiated using RamsesRenderer::createDcsmRenderer
    - There can be only one API for scene/content control at a time, either RendererSceneControl, RendererSceneControl_legacy or DcsmRenderer
    - Add FontCascade to ramses-text-api
    - dataConsumerId_t, dataProviderId_t are now strongly typed value
    - Remove DisplayConfig::enableStereoDisplay: stereo rendering can be fully set up using existing ramses featuers
    - Remove DisplayConfig::setOffscreen
    - Added scene referencing feature, which allows to remotely control rendering states of other scenes
        - Added SceneReference and Scene::createSceneReference to obtain a Ramses object referring to a another scene
        - Added Scene::linkData/unlinkData functions which allow to create/destroy data links between master and referenced scenes
        - Added IClientEventHandler methods for callbacks related to scene referencing and their data linking
    - linkData and linkOffscreenBuffer in all currently available APIs (RendererSceneControl, DcsmRenderer, Scene, RendererSceneControl_legacy)
      do not fail anymore if consumer slot already linked to a provider, instead the link is updated to link to the new provider, discarding the previous link.
