Example with structured properties

 * This example demonstrates more complex data structures and possible
 * ways to interact with them

int main()
    ramses::RamsesFramework framework{ ramses::RamsesFrameworkConfig{ ramses::EFeatureLevel_Latest } };
    ramses::RamsesClient* client = framework.createClient("client");
    ramses::Scene* scene = client->createScene(ramses::sceneId_t{ 123u });
    ramses::LogicEngine& logicEngine{ *scene->createLogicEngine() };

    // Create a script with inputs and outputs of the same type (consists of nested structs)
    ramses::LuaScript* script = logicEngine.createLuaScript(R"(
        function interface(IN,OUT)
            IN.struct = {
                nested = {
                    data1 = Type:String(),
                    data2 = Type:Int32()

            OUT.struct = {
                nested = {
                    data1 = Type:String(),
                    data2 = Type:Int32()

        function run(IN,OUT)
            -- can assign whole structs if both sides are of compatible types
            OUT.struct = IN.struct

            -- Also possible to assign a 'nested' struct (recursively assigns all sub-fields)
            OUT.struct.nested = IN.struct.nested

            -- These assignments would result in error, because types don't match.
            -- OUT.struct = IN.struct.nested
            -- OUT.struct.nested = IN.struct
            -- OUT.struct.nested = IN

    // Set some data on the inputs
    script->getInputs()->getChild("struct")->getChild("nested")->getChild("data1")->set<std::string>("hello world");

    // Update the logic engine including our script

    // Inspect the results of the script
    std::string data1 = *script->getOutputs()->getChild("struct")->getChild("nested")->getChild("data1")->get<std::string>();
    int32_t data2 = *script->getOutputs()->getChild("struct")->getChild("nested")->getChild("data2")->get<int32_t>();

    std::cout << "data1 value: " << data1 << "\n";
    std::cout << "data2 value: " << data2 << "\n";


    return 0;