Example with Ramses

 * This example demonstrates how to link LogicEngine scripts and
 * Ramses scene content, so that whenever scripts are executed
 * their output is propagated to the linked Ramses scene(s).
 * This example only demonstrates code, for general explanations
 * and more context, check the doc pages at:
 * https://ramses-logic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#creating-links-between-scripts

struct SceneAndNode
    ramses::Scene* scene;
    ramses::Node* node;

 * Helper method which creates a simple ramses scene. For more ramses
 * examples, check the ramses docs at https://bmwcarit.github.io/ramses
SceneAndNode CreateSceneWithTriangle(ramses::RamsesClient& client);

int main()
     * Create Ramses framework and client objects. Ramses Logic does not manage
     * or encapsulate Ramses objects - it only interacts with existing Ramses objects.
     * The application must take special care to not destroy Ramses objects while a
     * LogicEngine instance is still referencing them!
    ramses::RamsesFrameworkConfig config{ramses::EFeatureLevel_Latest};
    ramses::RamsesFramework ramsesFramework(config);
    ramses::RamsesClient* ramsesClient = ramsesFramework.createClient("example client");

     * To keep this example simple, we don't include a Renderer, but only provide the scene
     * over network. Start a ramses daemon and a renderer additionally to see the visual result!
     * The connect() ensures the scene published in this example will be distributed over network

     * Create a test Ramses scene with just a single triangle
    auto [scene, triangleNode] = CreateSceneWithTriangle(*ramsesClient);

    ramses::LogicEngine& logicEngine{ *scene->createLogicEngine() };

     * Create a binding object which serves as a bridge between logic scripts and animations on one end
     * and a Ramses scene on the other end
    ramses::NodeBinding* nodeBinding = logicEngine.createNodeBinding(*triangleNode, ramses::ERotationType::Euler_XYZ, "binding to triangle mesh node");

     * Create a simple script which takes the current time in milliseconds
     * and rotates around the Z axis slowly based on how much time is passed
    ramses::LuaScript* script = logicEngine.createLuaScript(R"(
        function interface(IN,OUT)
            IN.time_msec = Type:Int32()
            OUT.rotationZ = Type:Vec3f()

        function run(IN,OUT)
            -- Rotate around Z axis with 100 degrees per second
            OUT.rotationZ = {0, 0, IN.time_msec / 10}

     * Connect the script output 'rotationZ' with the rotation property of the NodeBinding object.
     * After this, the value computed in the script will be propagated to the ramses node.

     * Simulate an infinite animation and provide the time to the control script
     * so that it can use it to advance the rotation of the animated triangle.
     * Usually this would be replaced by an application loop and data.
    for(int32_t simulatedTime = 0; simulatedTime < 100000; ++simulatedTime)

         * Update the LogicEngine. This will execute the script above, and will set the rotation of the
         * Ramses node bound to the output of the script.

         * Tell ramses to "flush" the scene state and finish the frame.

         * Throttle the "animation" by sleeping for a bit.

     * Destruction order is important! First destroy the logic engine content (created last) then the Ramses scene
     * (after nothing is referencing the scene any more)

    return 0;

SceneAndNode CreateSceneWithTriangle(ramses::RamsesClient& client)
    ramses::Scene* scene = client.createScene(ramses::sceneId_t(123u), "red triangle scene");

    ramses::PerspectiveCamera* camera = scene->createPerspectiveCamera();
    camera->setFrustum(19.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
    camera->setViewport(0, 0, 800, 800);
    camera->setTranslation({0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f});
    ramses::RenderPass* renderPass = scene->createRenderPass();
    ramses::RenderGroup* renderGroup = scene->createRenderGroup();

    std::array<ramses::vec3f, 3u> vertexPositionsArray{ ramses::vec3f{-1.f, 0.f, -1.f}, ramses::vec3f{1.f, 0.f, -1.f}, ramses::vec3f{0.f, 1.f, -1.f} };
    ramses::ArrayResource* vertexPositions = scene->createArrayResource(3u, vertexPositionsArray.data());

    ramses::EffectDescription effectDesc;
        #version 100

        uniform highp mat4 mvpMatrix;

        attribute vec3 a_position;

        void main()
            gl_Position = mvpMatrix * vec4(a_position, 1.0);
        #version 100

        void main(void)
            gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    effectDesc.setUniformSemantic("mvpMatrix", ramses::EEffectUniformSemantic::ModelViewProjectionMatrix);

    const ramses::Effect* effect = scene->createEffect(effectDesc);
    ramses::Appearance* appearance = scene->createAppearance(*effect);

    ramses::Geometry* geometry = scene->createGeometry(*effect);
    std::optional<ramses::AttributeInput> positionsInput = effect->findAttributeInput("a_position");
    geometry->setInputBuffer(*positionsInput, *vertexPositions);

    ramses::MeshNode* meshNode = scene->createMeshNode("triangle mesh node");



    return SceneAndNode{ scene, meshNode };