Interfaces example

 * This example demonstrates how to create interfaces and link its properties to the properties of scripts

int main()
    ramses::RamsesFramework framework{ ramses::RamsesFrameworkConfig{ ramses::EFeatureLevel_Latest } };
    ramses::RamsesClient* client = framework.createClient("client");
    ramses::Scene* scene = client->createScene(ramses::sceneId_t{ 123u });
    ramses::LogicEngine& logicEngine{ *scene->createLogicEngine() };

    // Create an interface which could represent a scene with a node that should be translated
    const std::string_view interfaceSrc = R"(
        function interface(inout_params)
            inout_params.translation_x = Type:Int32()

    //create another script that could read the values of the interface and do some logic based on it
    const std::string_view wheelTranslationScriptSrc = R"(
        function interface(IN, OUT)
            IN.translation_x = Type:Int32()
            OUT.translation_vec = Type:Vec3i()

        function run(IN, OUT)
            OUT.translation_vec = { IN.translation_x, 20, 30}

    // Create a script and an interface using the Lua source code from above
    ramses::LuaScript* wheelRotationScript = logicEngine.createLuaScript(wheelTranslationScriptSrc);
    ramses::LuaInterface* intf = logicEngine.createLuaInterface(interfaceSrc, "TranslateInterface");

    // Create a link between the property of the interface and the input property of the wheel rotation script
        //NOTICE: the interface has 'translation_x' both as input and as output
        *intf->getOutputs()->getChild("translation_x"),                         // Get data from this property...
        *wheelRotationScript->getInputs()->getChild("translation_x"));          // ... and provide it to this property

    // Let's initialize the interface's input with some value

    // Above links will cause the script to be executed, its output's data to be updated
    // and provided to the input of the interface

    // New results, based on the input value of the logic script and the IN/OUT links of the interface
    assert(42 == *intf->getOutputs()->getChild("translation_x")->get<int32_t>());
    assert(42 == *wheelRotationScript->getInputs()->getChild("translation_x")->get<int32_t>());
    assert(42 == (*wheelRotationScript->getOutputs()->getChild("translation_vec")->get<ramses::vec3i>())[0]);